Material: Plastic
Battery : No.
Brand: Funbee
No of Pieces : 10
The 1 practice holes are adjusted to the side of the car, like the 3 golf balls The practice holes can easily go inside the car along with the golf clubs The trolley has two wheels at the bottom for easy transportation and a handle on the top Pull the handle to move the stick around
This golf set is an ideal outdoor game for kids that aide in mental alertness and instils a sense of patience in kids. It is a unique assortment of three clubs, one putting hole, a holder and four balls It will develop fine motor skills and practice hand-eye coordination This type of compact and accessible storage makes it easy for your children to access and clean their golf toys Let's play golf fans! This golf game is an excellent way to allow your child to participate in the interactive game, develop fine motor skills and practice hand-eye coordination. The trolley has two wheels at the bottom for easy transportation and a handle on the top so your child can take his golf game anywhere.